Friday, February 12, 2010

Photosynthesis carried out by other oraganisms

Today, we had a bio and we are currently on the topic of Photosynthesis. Here are some things I learnt today!

Photosynthesis is carried out by many different organisms, ranging from plants to bacteria.
The best known form of photosynthesis is the one carried out by higher plants and algae, as well as by cyanobacteria and their relatives, which are responsible for a major part of photosynthesis in oceans. All these organisms convert carbon dioxide to organic material by reducing this gas to carbohydrates in a rather complex set of reactions.

By the way, in case you did not know, cyanobacteria might grow in rivers, lakes, seas and oceans. If the place it is growing in has too much nutrients, cyanobacteria will get extra nutrients and multiply!

Look at the results of my experiment!

The thing in the middle is a plant and the red thing is cyanobacteria!

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